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Accredited services

EMEC recognises that certification is a key component to developing a mature industry, helping to attract investment. EMEC has been active in supporting the development of marine energy standards since the Centre was established in 2003.

EMEC is accredited as a test laboratory by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) and is designated with Renewable Energy Testing Laboratory (RETL) status by the International Electrotechnical Commission – Renewable Energy System (IECRE). Click here for more information and Schedules of Accreditation: Accreditation and Certification.

We are the first and only centre for ocean energy in the world to be awarded these marks of quality. 

By being an accredited test facility, we can offer independent, internationally recognised performance assessment of ocean energy devices (UKAS Accredited – ISO 17025) and independent technical inspection to confirm that your technology satisfies conceptual reliability, survivability and performance targets (UKAS Accredited – ISO 17020). Such assessments ensure that project installations adhere to IEC international standards, verifying the methodologies used, and supporting technical development pathways towards certification.

With an independent report, you can provide third party assurance and credibility to your claims to investors and funders.

By collaborating with developers and tank facilities, EMEC provides feedback to the IECRE on the practicalities of applying the international standards and seek to ensure that future iterations meet the needs of the industry.

Power performance assessment

Ocean energy developers need to test and validate technology to build credibility and bankability of projects. To progress the technology to a commercial stage a proven track record validated by an accredited party is more attractive to funders and investors in financing large commercial projects.

A power performance assessment (PPA) aims to provide an agreed methodology for the measurement of the power output of a wave or tidal energy converter in a range of sea states and an agreed framework for the reporting of the results of these measurements. It enables the estimation of the energy production from the device at a prospective site, where wave or tidal power resource information of sufficient detail and quality exists.

Operating to laboratory standards (ISO 17025) EMEC can carry out a PPA and provide an independent, internationally-recognised report on the performance of technologies tested at our grid-connected test sites at Billia Croo and the Fall of Warness. We follow:

EMEC is also designated with Renewable Energy Testing Laboratory (RETL) status, the highest international designation for marine energy test laboratories. This enables power performance assessment of tidal energy converters anywhere in the world in compliance with IEC TC 114 Technical Specifications (via IEC TS-200).

We can also provide non-accredited performance reports to technology developers testing at our scale sites in Orkney or elsewhere in the world where circumstances are not fully aligned with the IEC Technical Specifications.

What does a power performance assessment entail? Read our blog: Testing the power performance of marine energy devices

At sea inspection

Working to ISO/IEC 17020 as an independent inspection body, EMEC can inspect performance at TRL 5-7 (quarter to full scale) during ocean testing. At this scale, technologies do not need to be grid-connected. We follow:

An at-sea inspection by EMEC provides a path to an ISO/IEC 17025 performance assessment as your technology progresses towards commercialisation.

Tank test inspection

Working to ISO/IEC 17020 as an independent inspection body, EMEC can provide inspection at tank test facilities for the following standards:

EMEC’s Performance Test Engineer team can support you with the design of the test plan in collaboration with the tank testing facility team.

You’ll get a third-party report confirming testing methodologies followed. This will inform future testing, providing a path to progress through TRLs and towards at-sea inspection and performance assessment.

Recommendations report

Unsure how to progress? Get in touch and we can provide a recommendations report to explain how to work through the standards to develop your technology, improving your testing plan, and helping you to prove your results. Contact us for more details: 01856 852060 /







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