Tidal data
The currents at EMEC sites are observed using seabed mounted Acoustic Current Doppler Profilers (ADCP).
The instruments are capable of measuring current profile with high vertical and temporal resolution. Collected data is processed using EMEC’s in-house ADCP Quality Control software, with all the processing steps recorded in traceable and auditable way.
Current data is used in site characterisation for tidal flow model validation/calibration or directly for tidal current prediction using harmonic analysis. This allows comprehensive description of tidal constituents at observation locations.
We can also use this data to provide our tidal energy clients with a Power Performance Assessment. The observed flow is compared with the electricity generated by a tidal energy converter to assess the performance of the device.
Additional functionality of the ADCPs allows wave observations on our highly energetic tidal site (where conventional surface wave buoys aren’t suitable).

In-house ADCP Quality Control software enables various QC measures and routines as well as transformation of the data. This includes visual QC of the data and quality parameters in order to identify unusual patterns in the data.

The QC software allows accurate determination of invalid data, such as layers contaminated through sidelobe reflection from the sea surface.