SCADA system
A constant flow of information concerning devices under test, environmental parameters, electrical performance and our own infrastructure is maintained using a sophisticated SCADA (Supervisory, Control and Data Acquisition) system.
The SCADA system, based on a global standard GE product, is supported by a historian database which assists our staff in providing verifiable performance and environmental reports to stakeholders. The system provides real-time status information, trends, alarms and remote control round-the-clock to facilitate a safe working environment, comprehensive assessment and safe operation of the plant.
Data is transmitted over our secure networks from the test sites to the data centre where it is verified, processed and passed on to developers and in-house users via a secure internet connection. The system provides each developer with information on the health of their plant including high voltage (HV) switchgear, electrical performance and communications status, together with remote control of the HV circuit breaker feeding their device. All data is logged and archived to industry standards.
At Billia Croo, a number of sophisticated instrumentation buoys (waveriders) provide wave height, direction and period data to international standards.
At the Fall of Warness, Shapinsay Sound and Scapa Flow test sites, instrumentation buoys provide wave height and tidal flow information as required.
In addition to this environmental data, weather parameters are measured at the Billia Croo and Fall of Warness sites and are connected via our secure network to the data centre and made available via the SCADA system.