RESOURCECODE aims to support investment and growth in the wave and tidal energy sector through the creation of an integrated marine data toolbox. The toolbox consists of modelling and software tools, which has been made available via a new online platform.
RESOURCECODE has enabled the development and validation of cutting-edge resource modelling techniques using partner data from the laboratory, existing models, satellites and the extensive MetOcean data sets held by the test sites. Central to this has been the development and expansion of Ifremer’s flagship HOMERE MetOcean hindcast database to cover the waters around the west coast of France and the English Channel. This provided high-resolution, validated, transparent and reliable marine renewable energy wave and current resource data to the industry.
Data analysis tools were developed to provide improved statistical analysis techniques for these expanded data sets and those provided through the test sites. The specification for these tools were identified and developed through dedicated commercialisation studies guided by a multi-user steering group including certification companies and a number of technology developers active in the wave and tidal energy sector.
Resource data in a raw format has limited value to the industry; the new suite of tools being developed in RESOURCECODE is required to review, quality control and interpret the raw data so the benefits can be maximised. Building upon these requirements the project has three objectives which are outlined below:
- Resource model expansion: Production of a comprehensive hindcast database of high-resolution ocean energy resource parameters for European waters (extending from the North of Scotland to Bay of Biscay) validated against the industrial test sites datasets and satellite data.
- Data analytics: Advance a suite of tools (from Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 4 to TRL 8) to support ocean energy analytics, which will underpin design and operational decisions for MRE deployments.
- Online platform: Development of an online platform through which the services described above will be accessed, applied and exploited by test facilities, the supply chain and renewable technologies undertaking pre-commercial demonstration.
To find out more about RESOURCECODE, please down the project leaflet.
An interactive demonstration of an open source toolbox & hindcast wave dataset for the marine energy industry
The toolbox was launched on 10 March 2022 using 27 years of model data, creating the highest resolution wave model in North West Europe. The toolbox will enable world leading resource characterisation, which will allow technology developers and supply chain companies to improve engineering designs and optimise operations in highly demanding marine environments, increasing the confidence of potential investors.
During the launch the RESOURCECODE team demonstrated the capabilities of the toolbox, as well as the value of the datasets and provided an interactive environment to introduce the suite of tools.
To access the data tool box click here
The data toolbox launch and demonstration webinar was recorded and can be accessed via the three video’s below:
Marine Data Toolbox presentation
Marine Database
Mickael Accensi, IFREMER
Marine Data Toolbox demonstration
Nicolas Raillard, IFREMER
Interactive demonstration of open source toolbox & hindcast wave dataset for the marine energy industry
Ahead of the launch of the new dataset and toolbox, RESOURCECODE partners held a workshop to demonstrate the capabilities of the toolbox, as well as the value of the datasets and provided an interactive environment to introduce the suite of tools. The event was held at EWTEC at Plymouth University, on 6 September 2021 and the recording can be viewed below:
RESOURCECODE will have a positive impact across the MRE industry, by delivering the following:
- Modelling and software tools made available via a new online platform will enable world leading resource characterisation.
- Technology developers and operators will realise reduced cost of energy production through improved engineering designs and industrial approaches optimised to highly demanding marine environments.
The RESOURCECODE database will deliver underpinning data at unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution from the South of the Bay of Biscay up to the North of Scotland, with the opportunity to expand this further beyond the project.
The consortium provides an opportunity to develop this database efficiently and economically as the extensive data sets held by the test sites (supplemented by academic partners) will be made available to construct, calibrate and validate the pan-European model and made available to MRE industry.
The resulting database, tools and platform will demonstrate an integrated solution dedicated to MRE, but also applicable to a broader range of marine projects such as offshore wind. This will ultimately contribute to the lowering of the cost of production of ocean energy through providing technology and project developers, regulators and other stakeholders with data that comes at higher spatial resolution, increased spatial coverage, with increased usability and transparency.
Tools built on this foundation will deliver results with significantly reduced uncertainty thus enabling better industrial decision making around device design, energy farm system topologies and planning, component procurement and ongoing operations and maintenance strategies.
A product of this type is currently unavailable to the MRE sector. It is anticipated that third party innovations, not foreseen at present, will arise from the availability of the data, tools and overarching platform which will drive long-term commercial, industrial and societal impact.
- February 2022 - RESOURCECODE launch marine data toolbox
- November 2020 - RESOURCECODE bank one year of hindcast data for marine toolbox
- August 2019 – RESOURCECODE to develop marine data toolbox for energy sector
- A global wave parameter database for geophysical applications. Part 3: Improved forcing and spectral resolution here
- Sensitivity analysis of wind input parametrizations in the WAVEWATCH III spectral wave model using the ST6 source term package for Ireland here
- ResourceCODE framework: A high-resolution wave parameter dataset for the European Shelf and analysis toolbox here