Magallanes Renovables
Magallanes Renovables SL is developing a floating platform to obtain energy from tidal currents. Magallanes Renovables was started in 2007. Its main shareholder is Spanish company Sagres SL and also features participation from Cardama Shipyards and CNV Naval Architects SL.
Grid-connected testing at EMEC | 2019-present
The data obtained during the initial testing programme in 2014 (see below) was fed into the design of Magallanes’ second generation 1.5 MW tidal platform ‘ATIR’.
The ATIR was built in Vigo, Spain. The device was validated in a controlled environment in Vigo and was then was towed to Orkney in September 2018. Following months of careful planning and close working between the project partners, Orkney-based marine service provider Leask Marine successfully executed the deployment of the platform at EMEC’s grid-connected Fall of Warness tidal test site in February 2019. The ATIR was first connected to the grid via EMEC’s subsea cables and onshore substation in March 2019 and generated its first power a short time after. As part of its testing programme, the device is occasionally taken off-site for maintenance.
The testing of the ATIR has been supported by the Horizon 2020 Fast Track to Innovation Ocean_2G project, and the Interreg OceanDEMO and MaRINET2 projects, part of the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.
Scale testing at EMEC | 2014
Magallanes Renovables deployed its floating tidal turbine at EMEC in November 2014, supported by the EU-funded MaRINET (the Marine Renewables Infrastructure Network) project. The 1:10 scale ‘ATIR’ prototype was installed on EMEC’s Shapinsay Sound test site. Magallanes has been developing their concept since 2007, having trialled previous prototypes in test tank and river conditions.
Magallanes Renovables decided to test its 1:10 scale model at EMEC as a first step towards testing of a full-scale prototype, a goal that was achieved in 2019.
Related news:
- April 2021: Magallanes reinstall ATIR tidal turbine at EMEC
- February 2020: Success for Magallanes at EMEC through Horizon2020 projects
- March 2019: Magallanes generate first electricity to UK grid at EMEC
- February 2019: Magallanes install ATIR Tidal Turbine at EMEC
- September 2018: Magallanes Renovables’ ATIR en route from Spain to EMEC
- April 2018: Magallanes gears up for OCEAN_2G deployment to EMEC
- June 2016: €3.9m innovation funding for tidal energy in Orkney
- November 2014: Magallanes successfully install floating tidal turbine at EMEC