Tank Testing of Wave Energy Conversion Systems
This report describes a recommended structured test programme for the early stages of a wave energy converters development. The format is based on traditional engineering methods similar to those followed by NASA and other research organisations from more established industries. Although adhering to a controlled and progressive schedule is no guarantee of success, it is probable that not following such a system is a pathway to failure, or at best lost time and wasted resources.
The overall programme is based on a five phase approach, which increases in complexity and required investment as it progresses. This document deals with the first three only, that is from initial concept reviews to large-scale sea trials at benign test stations.
It should be noted that although a standard format can be used to openly assess the progress of devices, each test programme will be bespoke in detail. This document therefore describes the minimum test requirements to which each developer should apply any device specific factors. At the end of each phase, it is imperative that an evaluation of the state of the device development is carried out in order to carry out an appropriate planning process for future phases.
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