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News this week

Visitors last week were many and varied! The start of the week saw the visit of a Swedish wave developer ‘Seabased‘ to EMEC’s offices and wave test site. Tuesday saw the visit of Flotta Primary School as part of their project work on renewable energy. On Wednesday, Edwina Cook gave a presentation to the North of Scotland Industry Group, followed by a meeting of the same held at Xodus Aurora’s offices in Stromness. The afternoon saw more sunshine, in this glorious spell of weather recently, whilst the local Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group took an organised flora and fauna walk over the Black Craig, the cliff over-looking Billia Croo Wave Test Site. Edwina gave a short explanation of EMEC’s activities, whilst basking in the sunshine – the job has its perks! On the same day, a journalist based in Germany interviewed our Research Manager, Jennifer Norris and also accompanied the Black Craig walk in the morning. The Director, Scottish Government’s Environment Directorate, Richard Wakeford and Jane Morgan, Deputy Director of Energy and Telecommunications visited EMEC on Wednesday also. Neil Kermode our Managing Director accompanied them on a flight over both test sites and a visit to the island of Westray where OREF members were visited and renewable projects within the island discussed. The photo shows Neil Kermode with Richard Wakeford and Jane Morgan’s party. Thursday saw a short visit by DHI employee Dr Elimar Precht, a short aside on his family holiday in Orkney.

Jennifer Norris and Matthew Finn will be holding the first EMEC Monitoring Advisory Group this week in Aberdeen.

Jennifer Norris will be presenting a paper on EMEC activities at MAREE2008 (Marine Renewable Energy & Environment) in London on 17 June.

Friday saw the kick off of the EMEC project funded by nPower to produce a course jointly with Orkney College, delivering an ADCP deployment training course – see Research.

Two developers have been busy in the Fall of Warness, one continuing with their testing programme and a second beginning their deployment.

As you can see a full week for EMEC!








Aquamarine Power


Atlantis Resources Corporation



Naval Group

Naval Group


Open Hydro


Orbital Marine




ScottishPower Renewables



Sustainable Marine Energy

Sustainable Marine Energy


Voith Hydro


Wello Oy

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