Assessment of Tidal Energy Resource
The purpose of this document is to provide a uniform methodology that will ensure consistency and accuracy in the estimation, measurement and analysis of the tidal stream resource at sites that could be suitable for the installation of Tidal Energy Conversion System (TECS).
The main aims of this document are to measure and describe the resource (by deriving a velocity distribution for a site), to understand the potential for the power extraction of an array of TECS (by combining the velocity distribution with the power curve of the TECS) and to ensure that the tidal resource available is not over-extracted.
This document has formed the basis of the international standard IEC TS 62600-201 Tidal energy resource characterization and assessment, due for publication in mid 2013.
This document is designed for use by appropriately qualified persons. Where appropriate, reference has been made to national and European standards that interface with this document. Please note that this document is a guide for tidal stream resource assessment only as distinct from tidal height resource.
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