Orkney Ocean Energy Day 2014
As part of the Energy Day programme of EU Sustainable Energy Week, a public open day took place on Tuesday 3rd June 2014 to showcase the pioneering advancements that are taking place in marine renewables in Orkney.
EMEC, in partnership with Ocean Energy Europe, developed an exciting programme of events throughout the day, including opening up the main marine renewables sites around Orkney to visitors.
Press release: EMEC and Ocean Energy Europe join forces to bring Energy Day to Orkney
Blog: Video and photos from Orkney Ocean Energy Day 2014
Download the programme here:
Morning seminar
(0900-1040, Pickaquoy Centre, Kirkwall)
Featuring speakers from EMEC, technology developers, Scottish Development International, Ocean Energy Europe, and the European Commission the event will focus on how testing work in Orkney is conquering technical challenges and contributing to industry development, highlighting the pan-European successes and global potential of this exciting, innovative sector.
Marine renewables exhibition
(1040-1200, Pickaquoy Centre, Kirkwall)
Exhibition with EMEC, technology developers and Orkney’s marine energy supply chain.
Hatston Pier, Kirkwall
(open to public 1200-1400)
Tidal energy developers will showcase their innovative machines on Hatston Pier. *
Lyness Pier, Hoy (CANCELLED)
Due to the changing nature of test plans for wave and tidal devices, it is common for machines to move on and off site regularly. As such, the Pelamis P2 machine which was expected to be at Lyness for viewing, will now in fact be at sea at EMEC’s Billia Croo wave test site instead.
Please note that the planned session with Lyness Pier open to the public between 1400 and 1600 will therefore no longer take place.*
EMEC Billia Croo wave test site, Stromness
(open to public 1600-1800)
A chance to see inside EMEC’s substation and get an overview of the wave test site from the shore, with staff available on site to answer your questions. *
Caldale substation, Eday, EMEC Fall of Warness tidal test site
(open to public 1200-1700)
A chance to see inside EMEC’s substation with staff available on site to answer your questions.
If you have any queries or particular access requirements (e.g. wheelchair accessibility) please contact EMEC on the details above.
* marine energy devices on show will depend on developers schedules and the weather. Please check back for further details – the programme will be updated as arrangements are confirmed.
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