News this week
EMEC have recovered the latest ADCP from Billia Croo and will assess its readings.
OpenHydro have been busy on the tidal test site and have successfully exchanged the turbine to the latest model. They are very happy with the procedure and continue into the next phase of testing.
Jennifer Norris attended the Northern Lighthouse Board’s Scottish Users’ Consultative Group 2007 and gave a presentation summarising the wave and tidal industry and possible scenarios for future deployment in UK waters. This was enthusiastically received and positive discussions ensued.
The web site has been updated recently as some of you may have noticed. This is ongoing so watch this space!
Eloi Droniou has been in San Diego at the ADCP in Action Conference. He gave a presentation which was very well received and prompted lots of fruitful discussion.
Visitors this week included a party from Xodus Aurora Aberdeen and Orkney to the Tidal Test Site. Today saw a visit from The Hyperdrive Corporation from Japan and Stanford Research Institute in California to the Wave Test Site. They gave a very interesting presentation of their work to EMEC and ICIT.